Malvern Happy Paws - Dog Walking and Family Pet Services in Malvern

Mobile: 07855 402354

Licence NumberĀ 18/07286/ANIACT



Family Pet CareMalvern Happy Paws - Family Pet Care

Malvern Happy Paws will also take care of your family pets whilst you are attending weddings, graduations,visiting relatives or on holiday. Having experience of most small pets you can feel confident with their ongoing care whenever you can't be at home for them. Need the rabbit feeding - no problem. Let the cat out - call me. From quick visits to longer stays I will try to accommodate your needs.

We will visit your home twice a day to feed your cat(s) and clean out their litter tray.

We will visit your house once a day to feed and water your rabbit(s) and clean their hutch every other day.

Guinea Pigs/Gerbils/Hamsters
We will visit your house once a day to feed and water your pet(s).

We will visit your house once a day to feed and water your bird(s).

We will visit your house once a day to feed pet(s).

Tortoises & Terrapins
We will visit your house once a day to feed and water your pet(s) and clean their cage/tank every other day.

We will visit your house twice a day to feed and water your hens, open their coop in the morning, collect any eggs and return in the evening to lock them up.

For any further information please do not hesitate to contact me either by phone or email.